Cork Airport

Frequent Flyers Discounted Parking Rates

If you are a frequent flyer then make life easier for yourself by getting a prepaid card or frequent flyer card and you’re guaranteed a parking spot just minutes from the terminal - no pre-booking required!

Prepaid Frequent Flyer Cards

To save time and for convenience, frequent or business flyers can avail of a number of prepaid parking card options. The available options are as follows:

  • €225 Prepaid Card providing €250 worth of parking.
  • €400 Prepaid Card providing €500 worth of parking.

Frequent Flyer Cards

Our frequent user card costs €875 (inclusive of VAT @23%) and is valid for one year from date of issue. Similarly a card valid for six months can be purchased for €550 (inclusive of VAT @23%) The benefits of this frequent flyer card include:

  • Unlimited parking in the short-term car park for one year after from date of issue
  • Get parking within 2 minutes walking distance of the terminal via a covered walkway.
  • Instant entry and exit to the short-term car park.
  • No need to book online or pay when you get back from your trip.
  • Flexible terms means you can pay for the frequent flyer card by cash, cheque or card.

How The Frequent Flyer Cards Work

  • If you're using a Sat Nav or electronic maps, enter the postcode T12P5NF to get to the Airport.
  • Follow the signs for the short-term car park.
  • At the entry barrier of the car park you simply insert your frequent flyer card for entry and barrier will raise automatically. (You do not need to pull a ticket at the barrier unless there is a problem with your card.)
  • Then find your nearest available parking space.
  • On your return, its the same process when you exit. Insert the frequent flyer card at the barrier to exit the car park.

Contact Us To Find Out More

If you have any queries on our frequent flyer options or would like to purchase a frequent flyer card, please contact the Car Parks Team by phone on: +353 21 432 9633 or by email at: